We have two Certified Lactation Counselors and one Certified Lactation Specialist to assist new mothers while in the hospital as well as on an outpatient basis. Our Nursery and OB Nurses are NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) certified; additionally, our OB Nurses are certified in advanced fetal monitoring.

Taylor Regional Hospital is the second facility in Kentucky to be REMS certified as an infusion site for ZULRESSO.
Taylor Regional Hospital is accepting referrals for treatment of Postpartum Depression. TRH is the only site in Central Kentucky and the closest for Eastern Kentucky. For more information on Zulresso click here.

Childbirth and breastfeeding classes are offered to all mothers who deliver here at no charge. Both classes are also offered to mothers delivering elsewhere for a charge of $20.00.
Some topics of childbirth class include:
• Nutrition
• Posture and exercise
• Stages of labor, delivery and recovery
• Comfort measures in labor and birth
• Relaxation techniques
• Cesarean sections and what the patient can do to help
• Infant care in the hospital and at home
• A tour of the hospital
• Car seats and car seat safety
• Bottle feeding and formula
• SIDS precautions
• Preterm labor signs and symptoms
• Fetal Kick counts
• Kangaroo Care (all of our mothers are encouraged to do Kangaroo Care for one hour after delivery if the infant is stable)
Childbirth Classes run continuously for a period of four weeks with Breastfeeding Classes beginning at the end of each four weeks. Breastfeeding Classes last for a period of one week. All classes meet every Tuesday at 6:00pm in the Taylor Regional Hospital Meeting Room behind the Cafeteria.
To register for Childbirth and/or Breastfeeding Classes at TRH, please call 270-465-3561, ext. 5820.
The birth of a child is a true miracle, and we at Taylor Regional Hospital hope to help you feel more confident about your birthing experience and being a parent. The more learning and planning you do in preparation for your baby's birth will ease your transition. We wish you and your baby a healthy and happy future.