Picture of Taylor Regional Surgical Center and ER,
What to Expect
At Taylor Regional Hospital, our Emergency and Trauma department treats more than 18,000 patients a year. Our board certified emergency room physicians and specially trained registered nurses are ready to care for your emergency.
We know that when you arrive at our Emergency Department, you may be in pain and/or not feeling well at all. We make every effort to start your evaluation and treatment as soon as possible. Any patient with a life threatening illness or injury will be seen IMMEDIATELY. Please understand that it is our duty to take care of those with the most serious issues first.
Upon arrival, one of our specially trained nurses will triage you in order to prioritize your care based on your injury or illness, and the number of resources you will require.
After triage a registration clerk will gather information from you such as name, date of birth, address, and insurance information.
Evaluation and Treatment
As soon as a bed is available you will be taken back to start your care. If one is not available when you arrive you may be asked to wait in the waiting room. Patients may not be seen in the order they arrived. Remember, we treat those with the most serious situation first.
If you are not admitted to the hospital you will receive after care instructions to take home. It is very important to let the nurse or physician know if you do not understand your instructions. We want to ensure your treatment is successful so ask questions if you need to!
Pediatric Ready Emergency Department
A trip to the emergency room with a child is never fun, but you can rest assured that our team of ER providers and nurses are prepared! We are pleased to announce that Taylor Regional Hospital has met the criteria established by the Kentucky Pediatric Emergency Care Coalition in compliance with national recommendations and guidelines to be recognized as a Pediatric Ready Emergency Department. The goal of the KYEMSC/KPECC Pediatric Emergency Care (PEC) Recognition Program is to improve pediatric emergency readiness, care, and outcomes. TRH is the only hospital in Region 10 (a 10-county area in Kentucky) to hold this certification, which affirms our commitment to the children we serve.
There are options available for taking care of your bill, please speak to one of our clerks in order to make arrangements.