Banner ad of a "H" for hospital sign with an outline of the state of KY at the bottom of the letter.
Kentucky Hospitals'
Economic Importance to Their Communities
Economic Importance to Our Community
In every community, the local hospital is vitally important, not only for the health care services they provide, but for their contribution to the economy. The jobs and payroll generated by Kentucky's hospitals supply tax revenue to state and local governments, and support other Kentucky businesses through the purchase of goods and services. These dollars have a "ripple effect" as they move through the larger economy, supporting other businesses and jobs in the community as well as generating tax revenue used to fund state programs.
As the second largest employer in Taylor County, Taylor Regional Hospital has a great impact on our local economy. Each year, the Kentucky Hospital Association compiles and publishes data on the economic impact of hospitals in the Commonwealth.
We are pleased to share the following report which outlines the economic importance of Taylor Regional Hospital to our community.
Kentucky Hospitals' Economic Importance to Their Communities: Taylor Regional Hospital